General Leang, being the final boss of the General’s Challenge, possesses an arsenal which combines technologies from all three major factions in the game. While she does not use the best units for all categories, her forces are intentionally designed to challenge the player the most. She has access to all three superweapons, which also act as her tech structures.
Cost: $225 | Prerequisites: none
The perfect counter unit for enemy infantry, trained in the latest techniques and armed with latest weapons to clear enemy garrisoned structures.
Capture Building
Cost: free | Cooldown: 0:15 | Prerequisites: Upgrade at Barracks
Captures an enemy or neutral building. During the process, the Ranger is vulnerable.
Flashbang Grenades
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: Upgrade at Barracks
Switches to the flashbang grenade firing mode, which is effective against infantry, but useless against vehicles and structures. A single flashbang grenade is able to clear a garrisoned structure.
Machine Gun
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Switches back to the machine gun firing mode.
Capture Building
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Enables Rangers to capture buildings.
Flashbang Grenades
Cost: $800 | Researched at: Barracks
Arms Rangers with flashbang grenades, enabling them to toggle between them and machine gun firing modes.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Tank Hunter
Cost: $300 | Prerequisites: none
The Tank Hunter is the Chinese anti-armour/anti-air infantry unit. They are slow, and are more efficient when firing from garrisonable structures. Tank Hunters work best when grouped, as their horde bonus increases their efficiency in groups of 5 or more.
Cost: free | Cooldown: 0:08 | Prerequisites: none
Straps an explosive charge to an enemy vehicle, with a detonation delay of 10 seconds.
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Increases the efficiency of the horde bonus for the Tank Hunters by 25%.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Cost: $625 | Prerequisites: none
When a Hacker gets in within range of an enemy structure, he can set up his satellite uplink to neutralize the structure and all of its dependent units and structures. They can also hack into the world economy via the Internet and drain resources from it from any location.
Disable Building
Cost: free | Cooldown: 0:04 | Prerequisites: none
Disables an enemy building by hacking into its systems. The Hacker must be at close range to the building. While doing so, he is stationary and vulnerable.
Hack Internet
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
The Hacker connects to the Internet and starts hacking to generate money. While doing so, he is stationary and vulnerable. The initial income is $5 per second. After a Hacker gives a total income of $500, he is promoted, and gives an income of $6 in slightly shorter intervals. This is followed by a promotion and an even faster $8 income after reaching $1200 in total, and after reaching $1600 in total, the Hacker gives a speedy $10 income.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Angry Mob
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: none
Leang can incite Angry Mobs to attack the enemy. Start with a group of five, but they can grow in numbers up to 10. If any Mob members are lost, they are eventually replaced free of charge. Angry Mobs are effective against all ground targets.
Arm the Mob
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Scud Storm
Increases the attack damage of Angry Mobs by 25% by giving them AK-47 rifles.
Cost: $600 | Prerequisites: General’s Promotion Level 1
Advanced American scout armed with a long-range sniper rifle. When stationary, the Pathfinder is stealthed.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Black Lotus
Cost: $1500 | Prerequisites: Nuclear Missile Silo
Black Lotus is a master hacker who can capture enemy structures, disrupt vehicles and steal money from the opposition. She is stealthed when not hacking, and can detect other stealthed units.
Note: Only one Black Lotus can be trained at a time per player.
Capture Building
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Captures an enemy or neutral building by hacking into its systems. Black Lotus must be at close range to the building. While doing so, she is stationary, unstealthed, and vulnerable.
Disable Vehicle
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Disables an enemy vehicle by hacking into its systems. Black Lotus must be at close range to the vehicle. While doing so, she is stationary, unstealthed, and vulnerable.
Cash Hack
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Black Lotus hacks into a target enemy Supply Center and steals $1000. While doing so, she is stationary, unstealthed, and vulnerable.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Colonel Burton
Cost: $1500 | Prerequisites: Particle Cannon Uplink
Colonel Burton is an expert in covert operations. He wreaks havoc on enemy infantry and structures. He is armed with a long-range rifle, a knife and explosive charges. He can climb cliffs, and can not be crushed. When not firing, he is stealthed.
Note: Only one Colonel Burton can be trained at a time per player.
Knife Attack
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Kills an infantry unit at melee range without breaking stealth.
Timed Demo Charge
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Plants a timed explosive charge to a structure, which will automatically explode after a few seconds.
Remote Demo Charge
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Plants a remote explosive charge to a structure.
Detonate Charges
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Detonates all planted remote explosive charges.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Jarmen Kell
Cost: $1500 | Prerequisites: Scud Storm
Jarmen Kell is a mercenary, and an expert sniper who is stealthed when not firing. Working alone, he can garrison structures without being detected, and is even able to kill vehicle drivers.
Note: Only one Jarmen Kell can be trained at a time per player.
Sniper Attack
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Kills the driver of the selected vehicle, leaving the vehicle open to commandeering by any infantry unit.
Timed Demo Charge
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Plants a timed explosive charge to a structure, which will automatically explode after a few seconds.
Remote Demo Charge
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Plants a remote explosive charge to a structure.
Detonate Charges
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Detonates all planted remote explosive charges.
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Buildable only as part of Combat Cycles
Strapped with several kilos of C4, these maniacs charge at the enemy and self-destruct on impact. Terrorists can also enter civilian cars for faster and deadlier attacks.
Car Bomb
Cost: free | Cooldown: n/a | Prerequisites: none
Orders the Terrorist to enter the target civilian vehicle for increased movement speed and attack damage. Once the Terrorist enters a vehicle, he can not leave it.
Once an American vehicle or aircraft with at least some experience is destroyed, its Pilot escapes into the battlefield. He can then transfer to another friendly vehicle and add his own experience to that vehicle’s own (meaning that experience stacks, up to Heroic status).
Chemical Suits
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Barracks
Significantly reduces the rate at which all Leang’s infantry except Angry Mobs receives damage from toxin and radiation contamination.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Construction Dozer
Cost: $1000 | Prerequisites: none
This is the backbone of the Leang’s forces. It is primarily used for constructing and repairing Chinese buildings, and can also clear mines. Unlike most other Leang’s vehicles, it is built from the Command Center instead of the War Factory.
Clear Mines
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Safely clears mines and booby traps in the selected area.
Supply Truck
Cost: $600 | Prerequisites: none
The Supply Truck is used to collect supplies (up to $300 per load) and deliver them to the Supply Center (from which it is built) for funds.
Paladin Tank
Cost: $1100 | Prerequisites: General’s Promotion Level 1
The Paladin Tank is an advanced prototype that fires jet-assisted shells and auto-targets enemy missiles with its laser. As the Paladin is still in development, the laser has a slow rate of fire.
Scout Drone
Cost: $100 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Scout Drone to this vehicle. While the Scout Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Battle Drone
Cost: $200 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Battle Drone to this vehicle. While the Battle Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Hellfire Drone
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Hellfire Drone to this vehicle. While the Hellfire Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Composite Armour
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Increases the armour of Gattling Tanks, Paladin Tanks, Avengers, and Dragon Tanks.
Gattling Tank
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: none
The Gattling Tank rapidly fires its weapon, making it ideal for countering enemy infantry and aircraft. A unique feature of Gattling weapons is that the longer they fire, the faster the barrels spin and the more damage the weapons cause, having three firing “speeds”. Because of this, Gattling Tanks are most useful in prolonged firefights.
Chain Guns
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: War Factory
Increases the attack damage and attack speed of Gattling weapons by 25%.
Composite Armour
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Increases the armour of Gattling Tanks, Paladin Tanks, Avengers, and Dragon Tanks.
Sentry Drone
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: none
This stealthed unmanned vehicle is intended for scouting and detecting other stealthed units. When upgraded, a nose-mounted 20mm machine gun is deployed against infantry and lighter vehicles.
Sentry Drone Guns
Cost: $800 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Arms Sentry Drones with a 20mm machine gun.
Dragon Tank
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: none
The Dragon Tank sprays fiery napalm, which is effective against infantry and lighter vehicles. When enemy units are up close, the Dragon Tank can create a wall of fire. It can also quickly clear garrisoned structures.
Fire Wall
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Fires the Dragon Tank’s flamethrower continuously in a 90° angle, damaging all ground units which try to go through the flames.
Black Napalm
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Increases the attack damage of napalm weaponry by 20% and increases the firing speed and duration of the MiG’s firestorm attack.
Composite Armour
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Increases the armour of Gattling Tanks, Paladin Tanks, Avengers, and Dragon Tanks.
Combat Cycle
Cost: $550 | Prerequisites: none
Manned by standard GLA infantry, the Combat Cycle is a low-cost, highly mobile vehicle that can jump off cliffs. Excellent for reconnaissance operations, the Combat Cycle acquires the abilities and upgrades of the infantry unit that drives it (by default, it is a Terrorist).
Note: Due to erroneous coding, Leang’s Combat Cycles use the Rocket Buggy’s voiceover set. Also, the Terrorist can only be replaced by the Tunnel Defender of the Tunnel Network. Furthermore, if destroyed after falling off cliffs several times, it will use the Rocket Buggy’s wreckage model.
Cost: free | Cooldown: n/a
Orders the infantry unit driving the Combat Cycle to leave the vehicle. This order instantly destroys the Combat Cycle.
Rocket Buggy
Cost: $900 | Prerequisites: none
Lightly armoured, but very fast-moving buggy which launches a payload of rockets, after which it must stop to reload. Its rockets are just outside of base defences’ range.
Buggy Ammo
Cost: $1200 | Researched at: Scud Storm
Doubles the Rocket Buggy’s rocket capacity.
Armour-piercing (AP) Rockets
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Scud Storm
Increases the attack damage of Rocket Buggies by 25%.
Tomahawk Missile Launcher
Cost: $1200 | Prerequisites: none
This artillery vehicle carries a Tomahawk surface-to-surface missile. Designed for support, it can fire from a long range, and can not take many hits on its own.
Scout Drone
Cost: $100 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Scout Drone to this vehicle. While the Scout Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Battle Drone
Cost: $200 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Battle Drone to this vehicle. While the Battle Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Hellfire Drone
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Hellfire Drone to this vehicle. While the Hellfire Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Cost: $2000 | Prerequisites: none
A mobile platform on a modified Humvee chassis, the Avenger can paint airborne and ground targets with its point defense laser. When targets are painted, other units in the vicinity can fire at them faster and more efficiently. The Avenger can also down enemy aircraft on its own, but can not fire at ground units.
Scout Drone
Cost: $100 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Scout Drone to this vehicle. While the Scout Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Battle Drone
Cost: $200 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Battle Drone to this vehicle. While the Battle Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Hellfire Drone
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Attaches a Hellfire Drone to this vehicle. While the Hellfire Drone remains active, no other drones can be attached to this vehicle.
Composite Armour
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Increases the armour of Gattling Tanks, Paladin Tanks, Avengers, and Dragon Tanks.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Overlord Tank
Cost: $2000 | Prerequisites: none
Large and slow, the Overlord Tank is a force to reckoned with. In addition to basic firing from its twin cannons, this tank can run over enemy vehicles. It has three available add-ons for expanded capabilities.
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: Battle Bunker add-on
Orders all infantry units from within the Overlord Tank’s Battle Bunker to leave the vehicle.
Battle Bunker
Cost: $400 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a bunker with 5 infantry slots onto the selected Overlord Tank. No other add-ons can be placed on that Overlord Tank when completed.
Gattling Cannon
Cost: $1200 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a Gattling cannon onto the selected Overlord Tank. It fires the same shells as the Gattling Cannon base defence, and can fire at ground and air targets. Benefits from the Chain Guns upgrade. No other add-ons can be placed on that Overlord Tank when completed.
Speaker Tower
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a speaker tower onto the selected Overlord Tank. It increases the firing speed of nearby friendly units and slowly heals/repairs them. Benefits from the Subliminal Messaging upgrade. No other add-ons can be placed on that Overlord Tank when completed.
Chain Guns
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: War Factory
Increases the attack damage and attack speed of Gattling weapons by 25%.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Overlord Tank’s upgrade list.
Subliminal Messaging
Cost: $500 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Increases the efficiency of Speaker Towers and Propaganda Tower add-ons for Overlord Tanks and Helices by 25%.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Overlord Tank’s upgrade list.
Uranium Shells
Cost: $2500 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Fills the shells of Overlord Tanks with depleted uranium, which increases their attack damage by 25%.
Nuclear Tanks
Cost: $2500 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Refits Overlord Tanks with a nuclear reactor, which increases their movement speed by 25%, but causes these vehicles to explode violently and leave a radioactive residue when destroyed.
Cost: $1200 | Prerequisites: none
The MiG is a fast deadly attack aircraft. Its two napalm missiles deal considerable damage to structures and units. When MiGs are in squadrons of 4 or more and attack the same target simultaneously, they create a firestorm.
MiG Armour
Cost: $1000 | Researched at: Air Field
Increases the MiG’s armour by 25%.
Black Napalm
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: War Factory
Increases the attack damage of napalm weaponry by 20% and increases the firing speed and duration of the MiG’s firestorm attack.
Cost: $1500 | Prerequisites: none
This large helicopter can transport infantry and most vehicles across any terrain. It is a flexible platform which can upgrade itself with varying types of add-ons, much like the Overlord Tank. It has 5 transport slots, with vehicles taking up 3 of them.
Cost: free | Cooldown: instant | Prerequisites: none
Orders all units from within the Helix to leave the helicopter. The Helix briefly lands for this action, during which it is vulnerable.
Napalm Bomb
Cost: free | Cooldown: 0:20 | Prerequisites: Upgrade at Helix
Orders the Helix to drop a Napalm Bomb to the selected location. Benefits from the Black Napalm upgrade. The Napalm Bomb will be repeatedly thrown until the Helix is relocated.
Battle Bunker
Cost: $400 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a modified bunker with onto the selected Helix, allowing garrisoned infantry to fire from the helicopter. No other add-ons can be placed on that Helix when completed.
Gattling Cannon
Cost: $1200 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a Gattling cannon onto the selected Helix. It fires the same shells as the Gattling Cannon base defence, and can fire at ground and air targets. Benefits from the Chain Guns upgrade. No other add-ons can be placed on that Helix when completed.
Speaker Tower
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Adds a speaker tower onto the selected Helix. It increases the firing speed of nearby friendly units and slowly heals/repairs them. Benefits from the Subliminal Messaging upgrade. No other add-ons can be placed on that Helix when completed.
Napalm Bomb
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: none
Enables the selected Helix to drop Napalm Bombs.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Helix’ upgrade list.
Chain Guns
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: War Factory
Increases the attack damage and attack speed of Gattling weapons by 25%.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Helix’ upgrade list.
Subliminal Messaging
Cost: $500 | Researched at: Nuclear Missile Silo
Increases the efficiency of Speaker Towers and Propaganda Tower add-ons for Overlord Tanks and Helices by 25%.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Helix’ upgrade list.
Black Napalm
Cost: $2000 | Researched at: War Factory
Increases the attack damage of napalm weaponry by 20% and increases the firing speed and duration of the MiG’s firestorm attack.
Note: This upgrade is not visible in the Helix’ upgrade list.
King Raptor
Cost: $1100 | Prerequisites: none
The King Raptor has a larger missile capacity than standard Raptors (6 missiles as opposed to 4). It is also outfitted with a stealth detector and point defence lasers. Its armour has not been improved, however.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Cost: $2500 | Prerequisites: none
Travelling at supersonic speed in its attack runs, the Aurora is invulnerable to enemy anti-aircraft fire. Once it has delivered its payload, however, it slows to subsonic speed on its way back to base.
Advanced Training
Cost: $1500 | Researched at: Particle Cannon Uplink
Doubles the rate at which this unit gains experience.
Scout Drone
Cost: $100 (upgrade) | Prerequisites: an American vehicle
A drone that can be attached to all American vehicles except Construction Dozers and Sentry Drones. It flies around its host vehicle and detects nearby stealthed units. If the host vehicle is destroyed, so is the Scout Drone.
Battle Drone
Cost: $200 (upgrade) | Prerequisites: an American vehicle
A drone that can be attached to all American vehicles except Construction Dozers and Sentry Drones. It flies around its host vehicle, fires a machine gun that is most effective against infantry, and repairs its host vehicle. If the host vehicle is destroyed, so is the Battle Drone.
Hellfire Drone
Cost: $500 (upgrade) | Prerequisites: an American vehicle
A drone that can be attached to all American vehicles except Construction Dozers and Sentry Drones. It flies around its host vehicle and fires missiles that are most effective against infantry and vehicles. If the host vehicle is destroyed, so is the Hellfire Drone.