The Command & Conquer Motion Comic is a 4-part episodic miniseries leading in to the story of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight.
The Creators
Ape Entertainment (Artists)
Ape Entertainment is devoted to the production of high-quality original graphic novels, comic books, and illustrated fiction. Founded in 2003, Ape Entertainment is the brainchild of comic’s devotees David Hedgecock and Brent Erwin and home to such popular titles as GO-GO GORILLA AND THE JUNGLE CREW, SULLENGREY, ATHENA VOLTAIRE, THE BLACK COAT, FEMME NOIR, and WHITE PICKET FENCES. Don’t miss out on the fun. Go Ape! Go bananas and check them out at
Jackson Lanzing (Screenwriter)
Comic book creator, filmmaker, freelance video editor and renegade music journalist. Previous gig included producer and editor of BattleCast Primetime. Jackson also writes various comic book projects for Ape Entertainment. Among them, FREAKSHOW and FCBD’s THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR (both co-written w/ David Server), with many more to come. He is a man among many words, and you can also follow him on Twitter at
Chase Boyajian (Motion Graphics & Editing)
Lead Editor of all Command & Conquer videos and motion graphics extraordinaire. Dabbling in the entertainment industry since he was 14 doing radio station concerts and student films. About 7 years ago Chase started editing and doing motion graphics professionally which ultimately led him to EA and C&C. Every movement, every cut, every sweeping animated transition, and the fancy opening, this is the man behind the movie-making-motion-comic-magic.
Episode 1 – An Unexpected Hero
The year is 2068, and Tiberium has nearly destroyed our world. Christian Pierce, a young farmer and militiaman who is quickly losing his livelihood to the encroaching crystals, leaves his family and heads for the nearest GDI Blue Zone to find work. But what he finds there isn’t just a job. It’s destiny.
Episode 2 – The Incursion War
In this episode the self-proclaimed son of Kane threatens the lives of thousands of innocents in Issue Two: The Incursion War.
Episode 3 – The War Messiah
In this episode called the The War Messiah, after weeks of being interrogated by Gideon’s men, Christian is given a chance for freedom. But first he’ll have to face off against the very army he once fought for.
Episode 4 – King Takes Pawn
This final episode is called “King Takes Pawn”. Christian Pierce vs. Kane. The final showdown. Questions will be answered, plans will be revealed, and stories will end.