Titans of the Industry: Interview with Louis Castle
A new and very detailed interview with Louis Castle has just been published. As part of the Titans of the Industry series, Alex Mejia of Human Interact sat down with Westwood’s co-founder to talk about pretty much everything – early days with SSI, Dune, The Lion King, Monopoly, Command & Conquer, Blade Runner, move…
C&C Tiberium Alliances Coming To Steam
Even with EA doubling down on releasing their back catalogue on more digital storefronts, this news came out of left field: Tiberium Alliances, the browser game from 2012 most of us tend to even forget exists, received a Steam page. The game whose servers have outlived many core titles over the years apparently has enough…
C&C Remastered Collection Patch 745903.2 Released
Patches for C&C: Remastered Collection continue surprising us, but the changes are welcome nonetheless. This is another smaller service update which fixes crashes on Intel drivers, proper GPU detection, maximum framerate limits and tooltips. Here’s the official changelog: Hey Command & Conquer Remastered Fans! We have a new maintenance patch that has been released today.…
27 Years Online
Another year has passed. And another year we’ve been online. People come and go – more so in other spaces than here, mind – but ultimately there is always an ongoing interest in the franchise, no matter how small it may seem. This spring’s Steam release of older Command & Conquer games brought some new…
New C&C: The Ultimate Collection Hotfix – Steam Overlay and DDrawCompat Update
Moments ago, the Steam and EA App versions of Command & Conquer: The Ultimate Collection received a hotfix, specifically the 2D titles in the compilation. While a major patch is being developed, this hotfix was pushed forward after recent Windows Insider builds had broken compatibility with the games as they were thus far. Thankfully, the…
GenPatcher and GenTool Updates for Recent TUC Builds
The latest versions of Command & Conquer: The Ultimate Collection were published with new executables, which naturally caused incompatibility with several community tools, among them the irreplaceable GenPatcher and GenTool. However, their developers were quick enough to develop tweaked builds so everyone is on the same page. GenPatcher, the one-stop patching tool for fresh Generals…
C&C: The Ultimate Collection – Now on Steam
A few years ago, EA started publishing their old titles on Steam again, after they were able to put their EA Play subscription on the store. Since it had a much narrower range of games on Steam than it did on EA App (ex-Origin), EA decided to put a selection of their old games on…
26 Years And Counting
Posting anniversary posts is bittersweet these days. On one hand, I’ve received some feedback in the past few months from game researchers who are glad that a center of information for the Command & Conquer franchise still exists, but on the other… the community is just not there anymore. A few long-standing mods get updated,…
Command & Conquer Promotional VHS Digitized
Resident C&C collectors have caught wind of a promotional VHS tape for the original Command & Conquer that was shown in stores before the game’s release (as evidenced by the stated May 1995 release date, which ended up being pushed to September), and features various footage and explanations from the developers themselves. The shown…
25 Years Online
Anniversaries have a tendency to creep up on one. It’s a big one this time – this very site is 25 years online, maintaining its position as oldest English-speaking (and second-oldest in general, behind only the French CnCSaga) Command & Conquer fansite still up. Times have definitely changed for the franchise in these 25 years.…