The Brotherhood of Nod makes up for its lack of armour with speed and low production costs, therefore making use of their strength in numbers. Mobile artillery pieces and experimental vehicles are the mainstays of their tank battalions.
Cost: $100 | Prerequisites: none
Equipped with the GAU-3 “Eliminator” 5.56mm chaingun, this trooper deals reasonable damage to enemy infantry and is commonly used for early game scouting. Unless massed, Minigunners are hardly useful for anything else.
Rocket Soldier
Cost: $300 | Prerequisites: none
These infantry units are slower and easier to kill than other infantry, but can deal more damage to armour than any other infantry unit. Their major advantage is the ability to attack airborne units, and are most effective as a support unit in diverse groups.
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Engineers are used to capture enemy buildings or repair friendly ones. Since they carry no weapons, they are extremely vulnerable on the battlefield and must be directed very carefully. Engineers are very slow, so loading them into an APC is an ideal way to move them about the battlefield.
Flamethrower Infantry
Cost: $200 | Prerequisites: none
Effective for maximum close-range destruction. Produces fire which burns more slowly than normal, allowing more effective elimination of humans and armament. Be careful when using these troops in groups – if one unit gets in front of another, chances are that the unit in front will catch some of the damage from the back unit. They also tend to explode violently when killed. Spread them out.
Cost: $300 | Prerequisites: Temple of Nod
The Chem-Warrior is an advanced infantry unit immune to the effects of Tiberium. The chem-blast they carry produces a short-lived toxic cloud of Tiberium gas that will kill any infantry caught within its effects.
Cost: $1000 | Prerequisites: Temple of Nod
The Commando uses a Raptor 50cal. assault rifle with suppressor that is able to take out infantry units from afar. In addition, he carries C4 explosives which level structures instantly when placed.
Cost: $1400 | Prerequisites: Tiberium Refinery
This armour-plated vehicle seeks out and scoops up raw Tiberium, then transports it to a Refinery for processing. It is slow and unwieldy and will need to be protected. However, it is well-armoured and can take a beating until reinforcements arrive, and can crush infantry if the need arises.
Cost: $300 | Prerequisites: none
These all-terrain vehicles are armed with an M60 machine gun in a turret. Faster than GDI’s Humvee, the Buggy has sacrificed some armour for this advantage. Used in hit and run tactics on infantry and other lightly armoured targets, the Buggy shines. Against armour, it dies.
Recon Bike
Cost: $500 | Prerequisites: none
Mounting twin rocket launchers, the cycles have great flexibility, serving multiple roles in Nod’s ranks. Learn to use these units in groups, hunting down lone units or harvesters. When in guard mode, they will shoot at enemy aircraft, making them ideal at destroying incoming aerial assaults. Their speed makes them an ideal scouting unit as well.
Light Tank
Cost: $600 | Prerequisites: none
This highly-mobile tread vehicle delivers maximum destruction with minimum weight, maintenance and weaponry. Faster than any other tank on the battlefield, these units can reach a target quickly. Used in conjunction with aerial assaults, these units are very effective. They are, however, weaker and more fragile than GDI Medium Tanks.
Cost: $450 | Prerequisites: Communications Center
This massive cannon has great range and ballistic power, but is very slow. Any attacks using this unit have to be orchestrated carefully – just getting the unit to its target can be difficult. However, once it gets within range, little stands in the way of its firepower. By nature, artillery is somewhat inaccurate.
Flame Tank (a.k.a. “Devil’s Tongue”)
Cost: $800 | Prerequisites: Communications Center
Particularly useful against infantry and structures, the Flame Tank can mow through swarms of infantry with little or no damage to itself. To top off its destructive capabilities, the flame tank is fast, able to avoid some of the slower firing weapons and get close to its target quickly.
Stealth Tank (a.k.a. “Ezekiel’s Wheel”)
Cost: $900 | Prerequisites: Communications Center
This lightly-armoured tank is equipped with the Lazarus shield, cloaking it from enemy sight. This shield is neutralized during firing, giving the tanks the ability to “appear” out of thin air. Although vehicles and most structures are not able to see the tank while cloaked, infantry and Guard Towers will reveal the tank if it gets too close to them.
Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV)
Cost: $5000 | Prerequisites: Temple of Nod
As you will see in the section on Nod buildings, the heart of every base is the Construction Yard. When deployed, this vehicle becomes a Construction Yard, providing you with all of the benefits of that building. To deploy an MCV, select the vehicle and hold the cursor over it. If the cursor changes to a white circle with four arrows, left-clicking on it will deploy the vehicle. If the cursor has a red circle with a line through it, there is either not enough room to deploy or something is in the way. Move the vehicle (or the offending object) to find a suitable deployment site. The MCV must be protected at all costs.
Surface-To-Surface Missile (SSM) Launcher
Cost: $750 | Prerequisites: Temple of Nod
The SSM Launcher is Nod’s longest-ranged unit, able to fire on the enemy from a great distance. Its napalm rounds are useful at cracking through tough base defenses without any worry of retaliation. Infantry in a large group will also suffer from its high area of effect. The reload rate on this unit is extremely long, requiring other units to protect it during its lag-time.
Note: In the campaign, only the AI can build SSM Launchers. In multiplayer, it is available to all Nod players.
Transport Helicopter (Chinook)
Cost: $1500 | Prerequisites: none
Provides field transportation for up to 5 infantry units, rapidly deploying them into or out of battle. This unit is basically an aerial version of the APC without the weapon.
Attack Helicopter (Apache)
Cost: $1200 | Prerequisites: none
Nod’s Attack Helicopter is fast, mobile, and carries a large quantity of ammunition. It is used primarily against infantry and structures. Use them to soften up bases before a nuclear weapon is dropped, or gun through a horde of infantry coming towards your base.
Cargo Plane (Antonov AN-22)
This carrier ships purchased units to the Brotherhood of Nod via the Airfield. Any units ordered will be shipped in as soon as possible. Only one transport plane can be on the board (per Airfield) at any one time.
Note: In legacy balance, the time needed for the cargo plane to reach the airfield depends on the distance of the airfield from the east edge of the map. In modern balance, it is normalized to 5 seconds in all cases.
Hovercraft (campaign only)
This heavily-armoured unit deploys men and vehicles during amphibious assaults.