This guide will show you how to install Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 on modern operating systems, with different sections covering different releases of the game.
Installation – retail CD version (Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8.x)
- Make sure that the SafeDisc driver is re-enabled by these guidelines. (not applicable for Windows XP)
- Insert either Red Alert 2 disc to the CD/DVD drive.
- Exit the autorun and run setup.exe from the disc’s setup subfolder as administrator. (not applicable for Windows XP)
- Install the game. Change to disc 2 as necessary.
- Patch the game to version 1.006, the latest official patch. (mirrors)
- Browse to the game’s directory and set game.exe and ra2.exe to always run as administrator and in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 7. (not applicable for Windows XP)
- If Yuri’s Revenge will not be installed, refer to the “Alternate renderers” section below.
- Run the game.
Installation – retail CD version (Windows 10 / 11)
The Red Alert 2 installer refuses to work on Windows 10 and 11 because it is packed with SafeDisc like the game itself is. Coupled with the removal of the SafeDisc driver on these operating systems, there is (at the time of writing this guide) no reliable way to install the game from the retail discs directly on Windows 10 and 11.
This place is reserved for a future procedure.
Installation – retail The First Decade version
- Insert the The First Decade disc to your DVD drive.
- Exit the autorun, and run setup.exe on the disc as administrator. (not applicable for Windows XP)
- Follow the instructions on the screen. Choose a custom installation, and for the time being, select C&C: Red Alert 2 to install.
- Apply the TFD unofficial patch 1.03 rev4.
- Browse to the game’s directory and set game.exe and ra2.exe to always run as administrator and in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 7. (not applicable for Windows XP)
- If Yuri’s Revenge will not be installed, refer to the “Alternate renderers” section below.
- Run the game.
Installation – Steam and EA App versions
- Download and install the game from the Steam or EA App client.
- Browse to the game’s directory and set game.exe and ra2.exe to always run as administrator and in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 7.
- Install the latest version of the CnCNet YR client.
- Run the game.
Alternate renderers
For many old games which used DirectDraw to display graphics, including Red Alert 2, there have been problems when running on Windows Vista and newer due to deteriorating support for that library.
Multiple custom-made display wrappers have appeared over the years. They differ in their implementation, and perform better in different games and for different hardware.
If the default renderer from the Steam or EA App versions (DDrawCompat by narzoul) does not work on a particular system, switch to any of the following alternatives by extracting them to the game directories:
For Yuri’s Revenge and on Windows 11 specifically, if not using DDrawCompat, an additional step is required. In the compatibility settings for gamemd.exe, ra2md.exe and YURI.exe, enable the “Use legacy display ICC color management” option.
Setting custom display settings
Apply the desired settings (resolution, graphics levels…) from CnCNetYRLauncher.exe.
Resolutions can also be changed manually by opening ra2.ini in a text editor and changing the ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight values under the [Video] section (may require a first launch if they are not present).
Alternatively, go to the game’s main menu and type HIRES; after a sound is played, go to the game’s options and choose a resolution from there.
For the Steam and EA App versions specifically, one extra step is required if you decide to stick with the default DDrawCompat renderer. From the game’s directory, open DDrawCompat.ini in a text editor, and in the SupportedResolutions entry, add the resolution(s) you intend to use OR delete that entry entirely.
For online multiplayer, please refer to the CnCNet service. Note that it does not support RA2 natively, only the Yuri’s Revenge expansion. However, an “RA2 Mode” exists in the lobby settings which disables the units and most features from the expansion pack.
LAN will not work by default on modern systems as they rely on the deprecated IPX protocol. Solutions:
- CnCNet clients’ native solution
- UnderStorm’s LAN patch
- IPXwrapper