- Aaron Kaufman, the EALA Community manager, holding a wad of cash. “What do you expect? I’m Jewish!” he said
- Zee Hypnotist viewing CNCNZ.com in his hotel room
- Entrance to the Electronic Arts Los Angles HQ.
- Only the coolest drink you’ve ever had. It made everyone a little bit more communist that day
- Hexetic, from Planet CNC, showing off his communism with that nice hat, and the fist of fury
- The entire group who visited EALA. Hypnotist is in the front row, bottom right
- Found on a white board in the EALA training room.
- Bow down to Louis Castle
- Some of the dev team. Look how enthusiastic they all are
- Zee Hypnotist snapped playing Ms Pacman
- Zee Hypnotist with a GDI Helmet and GDI Gun
- This is the gun used by the Hero Unit on nod’s side, portrayed by Ajay (Josh Holloway).
- This is the Helmet worn by GDI. It is actually a modified US pilot helmet
- This is the gun Kane uses in the in-game videos. Looks plastic from this point of view, but it is assured that it will look more metallic and realistic in the actual game
- This is the ranking system that was seen at the C&C 3 Community Summit. It wasn’t labeled as official, it was simply drawn up on a random art board